Producer, Director, Cinematographer



Aaron is available for small business consulting. Having co-founded 2 multi-million dollar companies (Microhealth and We Are Films) including 1 y-combinator funded startup, Aaron is eager to lend his knowledge of business development to help your business grow. His hybrid-background in tech and the creative field brings a unique perspective that is hard to find anywhere else. Contact now for packages and hourly consulting rates. It’s time to take your business to the next level.


My consultation is focussed around one thing and one thing only: to take your business from stagnant to thriving. I desire for you to live the life you want to live and own the business you want to own. You only have one life to live, so let’s pursue it with everything in us. My consulting is aimed at encouraging you in running your business and tweaking small details that will take your business to the next level.


Consultations are billed annually and are designed so that you do not need to worry about how much time you have left to spend with me. We simply discuss and set up your game-plan to get your business to the next level so that you too can build the business you always dreamt of owning. I cap my clients at 50 per year, so sign up before all spots are filled.

Monthly Consulting Subscription

The monthly subscription gives you constant access all throughout the year to help in consulting with any of your business needs that may arise. This product can be purchased by an individual or by a business wanting help getting their business to the next level. All meetings are scheduled in 1 hour increments.

All packages are based on phone or video consultations, but in person consultations can be set up as well if desired.


Still have questions? Let’s talk.
